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It's Better To Obey!

1 Samuel 15 and 16. I encourage you to read both chapters and invite the Holy Spirit to show you insights as you seek to honor God. Earlier in 1 Samuel, God chose Saul, and Samuel anointed him to be the first king of Israel. In chapter 15, we read of Saul's disobedience as he rejected God's commands. The same Samuel who anointed him was also the one to confront Saul for reinterpreting Scripture and becoming self-absorbed rather than relying on God's Word to lead the people. As a result of his disobedience, God rejected Saul.

Saul received specific instructions, which is a reminder to us that communication with God--through prayer and His Word--is vital as we seek to live godly lives. Saul understood his assignment but decided to obey only a portion of the instructions rather than being completely obedient to the Lord. He thought he could justify his disobedience, but as we read in this chapter, Samuel rebuked him because he was more interested in himself than others. Ultimately, Saul was replaced by a man whose heart was for God.

Samuel provides a valuable lesson in this chapter that is best summed up like this: obeying the Word of God is better than offering a sacrifice. Heeding the voice of God is better than offering the fat of rams.


In whatever decisions come your way today, may you seek the Lord and stay in His holy Word. Through your submission to Him, you will be able to remain obedient to the work He has called you to.

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